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![]() | Work in progressThis version may be updated without notice. |
Copyright © INRIA
This specification describes a Web optional module for
. This Web module provides tags, attributes, functions, predefined properties and data types related to Web applications.The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Note that for reasons of style, these words are not capitalized in this document.
The following specifications are part of the technologies.
1 The Web module
2 Web concepts
2.1 Application3 Use cases
2.2 Service
2.3 HTTP handling
2.4 The web URI scheme
2.5 Example
3.1 Setting the MIME type of the HTTP response4 Web module reference
3.2 Setting the character encoding of the HTTP response
3.3 Setting HTTP headers of the response
3.4 Using matchers
3.5 Cookies handling
4.1 Elements
4.2 Foreign attributes
4.3 Predefined properties
4.4 Extended XPath functions
4.5 Data types
A Lists
A.1 Examples list
module has been designed for basic Web support. It provides a high-level abstraction of a Web application. A Web application runs inside a Web engine that embeds an engine. How the engines are cooperating is out of the scope of this specification.Most Web concepts are represented in properties stored in the data set.
thanks to typedThe Web application is the top level entry to a set of services related to the application. A Web application is mapped either at the server root, or just under the server root. Let's consider 3 Web applications available at http://www.example.com :
According to the underlying Web engine used, the Web application may endorse a set of informations accessible with $web:application property ; additionally, parameters used to initialize the Web application are also accessible.
with theThe $web:application property can be referred within any service supplied by the Web application.
The Web application is in charge of the selection of the service to invoke. The selection of the service by the Web application is implementation dependant.
Several services can be defined within a Web application. Each service of a Web application can be represented by an active sheet. How each service (active sheet) is bound to the Web application, and how it is invoked is implementation dependant.
The root element of such services is the <web:service> element that declares the mappings (<web:mapping>) used for handling HTTP requests.
The Web engine may also provide a set of initialization parameters with the $web:service property, which is accessible in the entire active sheet.
A service can also define an initialization phase (thanks to the <web:init> element) that will be performed once when the server starts. Its content is a convenient place to define shared properties.
When a service is invoked by the Web application, the mapping (<web:mapping>) that matches the request's URL and the relevant HTTP method is invoked with the following properties :
property | type | usage |
$web:request | #web:x-request | represents the HTTP request (note that one of its attribute contains the groups captured by the regular expression used for matching the incoming URL if relevant) |
$web:response | #web:x-response | represents the HTTP response |
$web:session | #web:x-session | represents an HTTP session |
$web:cookies | #web:x-cookies | represent the set of HTTP cookies |
The scope of these properties is global.
A Web application is often deployed to a target location not necessary known by developers, or that could be relocated ; the resources that depend on the location of a web application must be accessed in a neutral way (without the knowledge of the real path where the application is located). To do so, an implementation of this module must rely on a file system manager that accept the web URI scheme.
The web URI scheme is like the file URI scheme, except that the root file depends on the location where the Web application is effectively deployed. For convenience, the web URI scheme may be translated to a more classical file scheme. If necessary, this translation may be performed by a catalog.
For example, the following URI "web:///WEB-INF/xslt/xmlToHtml.xslt" could be resolved to the local file "file:///path/to/tomcat/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/xslt/xmlToHtml.xslt".
A Web application | |
The following active sheet defines an HTTP service of a Web application. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> In this service, a stylesheet is parsed when the server starts. This stylesheet will be shared by all HTTP requests. Assuming that the Web application is hosted at http://www.example.com/ and mapped to the path /myApp/, this service might serves :
<web:mapping match="^/(.+)\.(xml|html)$" mime-type="application/xml"> <!-- the MIME type of the response is those specified above --> <!-- ... --> </web:mapping>
If the MIME type is not known at designed-time, it can be set at runtime as an attribute of the HTTP response :
<web:mapping match="^/(.*)$" mime-type=""> <!-- the mapping above states that no MIME type is set so far --> <!-- the MIME type specified below is set as an attribute of the response --> <xcl:attribute name="web:mime-type" referent="{ $web:response }" value="application/xml"/> <!-- ... --> </web:mapping>
<web:mapping match="^/(.+)\.(xml|html)$"> <!-- the mapping above doesn't specify a mapping : it will be guess from the extension --> <!-- ... --> </web:mapping>
...will set the MIME type according to the extension of the URL matched ; in the above example, it can be "application/xml" if the extension is "xml", or "text/html" if the extension is "html". Specifying the empty string is not the same as not specifying the attribute : in the former case, the MIME type is not set.
If the MIME type doesn't depend on the extension of the URL, but rather on a parameter value, it can be set by using the web:mime-type() function :
<!-- a mapping that matches http://www.acme.org.myApp/query/foo?file=myFile.txt --> <web:mapping match="^/query/(.*)$" mime-type=""> <io:file name="file" uri="web:///{ $web:request/file }"/> <xcl:attribute name="web:mime-type" referent="{ $web:response }"
value="{ web:mime-type( $file ) }"/> <!-- ... --> </web:mapping>
How MIME types are bound to file extensions is implementation dependant.
The character encoding is also an attribute of the HTTP response.
<xcl:attribute name="web:encoding" referent="{ $web:response }" value="ISO-8859-1"/>
HTTP headers are children of the HTTP response.
<xcl:append referent="{ $web:response }"> <xcl:item name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache"/> </xcl:append>
The $web:request property is of the type #web:x-request that defines the @web:match attribute that contains the list of strings captured by the regular expression used in the mapping ; for convenience, each string captured is exposed as an unamed element (and accessible with the XPath joker "*") ; this facility makes this list not serializable as-is.
When there is a single captured string, the list can be processed as is.
For example, if the incoming URL http://www.example.com/myApp/document.html is matched by a mapping of the /myApp/ application that uses the regular expression ^/(.+).html$, it will be applied on the path /document.html and the part in bold will be captured. string( $web:request/@web:match ) will give the string "document".
<!-- using a regular expression that captures a single string ; the string matched is in $web:request/@web:match --> <web:mapping match="^/(.+).html$" mime-type="text/html"> <!-- simply transform an XML file to HTML --> <xcl:transform output="{ value( $web:response/@web:output ) }"
source="web:///{ string( $web:request/@web:match ) }.xml"
stylesheet="web:///WEB-INF/foo.xsl"/> </web:mapping>
If there are several groups captured, the list will contain several items. Each can be retrieved by specifying its position in the list :
<!-- using a regular expression that captures 2 groups of string ; the groups of string matched are in $web:request/@web:match/* --> <web:mapping match="^/(.+[^/])/img/(.*)$"> <!-- set the MIME type according to the extension of the file specified in the second group string --> <xcl:attribute name="web:mime-type" referent="{ $web:response }"
value="{ web:mime-type( string( $web:request/@web:match/*[2] ) ) }"/> <!-- simply display the img --> <io:copy
source="web:///img/{ string( $web:request/@web:match/*[1] ) }/{ string( $web:request/@web:match/*[2] ) }"
target="{ value( $web:response/@web:output ) }"/> </web:mapping>
With the example above, the regular expression will match the request http://www.example.com/myApp/landscape/img/canyon.jpg and capture the two strings "landscape" and "canyon.jpg". The latter will serve to set the MIME type of the response. The body will be a copy of the file web:///img/landscape/canyon.jpg (that will be resolved relatively to the place where has been deployed the Web application on the server.)
Cookies can be retrieved with $web:cookies (which contains the list of cookies sent by the client) and new ones can be created with <web:cookie> ; in both cases, the type of a single cookie is #web:x-cookie.
To send them back to the client, they have to be stored within the attributes of the $web:response :
<xcl:append referent="{ $web:response }"> <web:cookie comment="The user preferences" max-age="{ 60*60*24*365 }"
name="userBackgroundColor" value="#FE80FE"/> <web:cookie comment="The user preferences" max-age="{ 60*60*24*365 }"
name="userForegroundColor" value="{ string( $web:request/foregroundColor ) }"/> </xcl:append>
Once the HTTP response is send back to the client, on new requests the server will receive the cookies it had set before :
style="background-color: { $web:cookie/userBackgroundColor } ; color: { $web:cookie/userForegroundColor }"> <!-- we should test before if the cookies exist ! --> </div>
If several cookies that have the same name were sent, each can be retrieved individually :
{ string( $web:cookie/preferredSearchEngine[ 1 ]/@value ) } { string( $web:cookie/preferredSearchEngine[ 2 ]/@value ) }
Web namespace URI | : | http://ns.inria.org/active-tags/web |
Usual prefix | : | web |
Elements | Foreign attributes | Predefined properties | Extended functions | Data types |
<web:service> <web:init> <web:mapping> <web:flush> <web:clear> <web:invoke> <web:cookie> | @web:version | $web:application $web:service $web:request $web:response $web:session $web:cookies | web:mime-type() | #web:x-application #web:x-service #web:x-request #web:x-response #web:x-session #web:x-cookie |
![]() | Must be an adt:expression that computes an object of the type expected. |
![]() | Must be a hard-coded value (litteral) |
![]() | Can be either a hard-coded value or an adt:expression |
![]() | This material may be missing |
![]() | Denotes a value to use by default |
![]() | Allows a read operation. |
![]() | Allows a write operation. |
![]() | Allows a rename operation. |
![]() | Allows an update operation. |
![]() | Allows a delete operation. |
Root element for an active sheet that stands for a Web service.
A service is selected by an application in a way that is implementation dependant.
server initialization phase
The active sheet is unmarshalled when the Web engine starts.
If present, the <web:init> procedure is invoked.
HTTP handling phase
The Web engine selects the <web:mapping> procedure to invoke.
Attributes runtime |
hard-coded |
Name Type Value optional |
default value
encoding #xs:string If the request doesn't specify a character encoding, the default encoding used will be those specified in this attribute, if any.
Content : <web:init>, <web:mapping>+
Defines the initialization procedure.
unmarshal phase
Registers this action to the processor instance as the default procedure.
runtime phase
Run the subactions.
Content : any
Handles an HTTP request. The first mapping that matches the incoming URL is invoked by the surrounding <web:service>.
runtime phase
Run the subactions.
Attributes runtime |
hard-coded |
Name Type Value optional |
default value
match #adt:regexp A regular expression used to match the request's URL. If groups of strings are captured by the regular expression, they will be available with $web:request/@web:match/*.
missing attribute If missing, this procedure matches all URL with the method specified ; such mapping should be the last mapping defined in a service.
use The string to test regarding the regular expression.
missing The test is made on the part of the request's URL from the application name up to the query string ; for example, if a Web application is mapped to /myApp/ at http://www.example.com/, then with the request http://www.example.com/myApp/path/to/doc.html?param=value, the regular expression is tested on /path/to/doc.html. Notice that the application name is excluded from the path, which make matchings insensible to the deployment location of the application ; if the Web application is mapped to /anotherApp/ or to the root /, the string to match remains the same. #xs:string It is possible to build other strings on which the regular expression will be applied ; for example use="{$web:request/@web:full-path}" will produce /myApp/path/to/doc.html?param=value (this time the mapping will be sensible to the path of the Web application).
method Indicates which HTTP method will be matched by this mapping. If specified, one or several of the values below may be specified. missing attribute All HTTP methods are concerned. #xs:string GET This mapping will be activated on HTTP GET requests. POST This mapping will be activated on HTTP POST requests. HEAD This mapping will be activated on HTTP HEAD requests. PUT This mapping will be activated on HTTP PUT requests. DELETE This mapping will be activated on HTTP DELETE requests. OPTIONS This mapping will be activated on HTTP OPTIONS requests. TRACE This mapping will be activated on HTTP TRACE requests. #xs:string Several values from the above list, separated with blanks. mime-type Specify how to set the MIME type to the HTTP response. missing attribute No MIME type is set by default. #xs:string '' Try to set the MIME type automatically according to the extension of the URL.
For example, if the URL is http://www.acme.org/index.html, the MIME type should be text/html.
The underlying implementation should define means to bind extensions to MIME types.#xs:string Set the MIME type to the value specified. Content : any
Clears the buffer of the HTTP response, and eventually the status code and headers.
Attributes runtime |
hard-coded |
Name Type Value optional |
default value
clear-headers Indicates whether the status code and headers have to be cleared or not. #xs:boolean true Clear all. false Preserve the status code and headers.
Invoke a service on the server.
Attributes runtime |
hard-coded |
Name Type Value optional |
default value
path mode Indicates whether the service must be included or forwarded. #xs:string forward Forwards the request from a service to another resource (service, HTML file, etc) on the server. include Includes the content of another resource (service, HTML file, etc) in the HTTP response.
Create a new #web:x-cookie and stores it in the current context. A cookie behaves like an attribute.
The cookies created have to be stored within the attributes of the $web:response.
Attributes runtime |
hard-coded |
Name Type Value optional |
default value
name value comment domain path max-age is-secure Indicates to the browser whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL. #xs:boolean true Sends the cookie from the browser to the server only when using a secure protocol. false Sent on any protocol. version Sets the version of the cookie protocol this cookie complies with. #xs:integer 0 Complies with the original Netscape cookie specification. 1 Complies with RFC 2109.
- Priority : 0
The version of the Web module to use. This attribute should be encountered before any Web element, but it takes precedence on the element inside which it is hosted.
Property type: #web:x-application $web:application is a reference to the Web application.
Property type: #web:x-service $web:service is a reference to the HTTP service.
Property type: #web:x-request $web:request is a reference to the HTTP request.
Property type: #web:x-response $web:response is a reference to the HTTP response.
Property type: #web:x-session $web:session is a reference to the HTTP session. If no session exists, using this property will create a new one. To check if a session already exists, use $web:request/@web:has-session.
Property type: #adt:list of #web:x-cookie $web:cookie is a reference to the cookies.
Return: #xs:string Return the MIME type of a file. How the MIME type is resolved is implementation dependant ; it can be resolved thanks to some mappings of file extensions to MIME types, thanks to some heuristic that reads the content of the file, or thanks to a mix of both strategies.
Arguments 1 #io:x-file The file. Arguments 1 #xs:anyURI The URI of the file.
Represents a Web application.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-application This type name() #xs:string The name of the application, if the underlying Web engine is naming applications. child:: #adt:list of #adt:NItem Contains the init parameters (implementation dependant) used when the application is initialized. The init parameters are contained in a fixed list of values that have names. Each name in the list is a string not bound to a namespace URI (the name of the init parameter). attribute:: #adt:map of #adt:NItem A set of attributes including those specified below (and that can't be removed). Other predefined attributes may have been set by the underlying Web engine. At runtime, additional attributes may be set, removed or updated, if they are not bound to a namespace URI. @web:server-info #xs:string Informations about the underlying Web engine. @web:server-version #xs:string The version of the underlying Web engine. @web:application-path #xs:string The path to the application, that either starts with "/", or is "".
Represents an HTTP service.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-service This type name() #xs:string The name of the service, if the underlying Web engine is naming services. child:: #adt:list of #adt:NItem Contains the init parameters (implementation dependant) used when the service is initialized. The init parameters are contained in a fixed list of values that have names. Each name in the list is a string not bound to a namespace URI (the name of the init parameter). attribute:: #adt:map of #xml:attribute A fixed set of attributes (see below). @web:info #xs:string Informations about the service, such as author, version...
Represents an HTTP request.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-request This type name() #xs:QName web:request The name of a request. child:: #adt:list of #adt:NItem Represent the parameters contained in the query string or posted form data. The parameters are contained in a list of values that have names. Each name in the list is a string not bound to a namespace URI (the name of the parameter) ; the list may contain duplicate names. Each value is either a #xs:string or a #io:x-file to upload (a file can be unwrapped from the parameter thanks to the value() function).
If parameters are sent with the POST method, the @web:input attribute won't be available : the parameters of the request body will be directly available within the child list. In order to not break the body input stream of the request, a special behaviour is implemented for files to upload : the child list will be fed progressively with the files to upload.
If several other parameters are following the first file to upload, only the file to upload will be available ; when its content is uploaded, @web:next-parameters indicates whether there are remainder parameters or not that will be appended to the child list until including the next file to upload and so on.
The input streams of the files to upload can be read once ; they are discarded when read or when accessing the next parameters.
attribute:: #adt:map of #adt:NItem A set of attributes including those specified below (and that can't be removed). Other predefined attributes may have been set by the underlying Web engine. Additional attributes may be set, removed or updated, if they are not bound to a namespace URI. @web:next-parameters #xs:int Indicates whether more parameters are available within the children or not. It is relevant with the POST method with files to upload.
Reading the value of this attribute cause forwarding the body stream until the next file to upload. The number of parameters read is then returned. 0 means that no more parameters are available ; a strict positive value can be returned only with the POST method. Parameters that are read in the body are appended to the child list as one goes along.
Note that handling this attribute doesn't cause forwarding the body stream, only reading its value does (explicitely with the value() function or implicitely for example when the attribute is involved in an arithmetic operation). Note that this value should be read after having processed the file to upload, otherwise the file content will be discarded.
@web:encoding #xs:string The name of the chararacter encoding if the request specifies one. @web:content-length #xs:integer The length of the request body, the same as the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH. @web:mime-type #xs:string The MIME type of the body of the request if known, the same as the value of the CGI variable CONTENT_TYPE. @web:input #io:input The body of the request. Available only if the body doesn't contain POST parameters. @web:has-session #xs:boolean Indicates whether a session is available or not. @web:local-addr #xs:string The IP address of the interface on which the request was received. @web:local-host #xs:string The host name that received the request. @web:local-port #xs:integer The IP port number of the interface on which the request was received. @web:protocol #xs:string The name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion, for example, HTTP/1.1 ; the value returned is the same as the value of the CGI variable SERVER_PROTOCOL. @web:remote-addr #xs:string The IP address of the client or last proxy that sent the request, the same as the value of the CGI variable REMOTE_ADDR. @web:remote-host #xs:string The fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request if the underlying Web engine resolves the hostname, or the dotted-string form of the IP address ; the same as the value of the CGI variable REMOTE_HOST. @web:remote-port #xs:integer The IP source port of the client or last proxy that sent the request. @web:scheme #xs:string The name of the scheme used to make this request, for example, http or https. @web:server-name #xs:string The host name of the server to which the request was sent. It is the value of the part before ":" in the Host header, if any, or the resolved server name, or the server IP address.
Example : www.acme.org@web:server-port #xs:integer The port number to which the request was sent. It is the value of the part after ":" in the Host header, if any, or the server port where the client connection was accepted on. @web:server #xs:string The protocol, host name, and port of the server to which the request was sent.
Example : http://www.acme.org:8080@web:is-secure #xs:boolean Indicates whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS. @web:auth-type #xs:string The name of the authentication scheme used ; the same as the value of the CGI variable AUTH_TYPE. @web:application-path #xs:string The path to the application, that either starts with "/", or is "" (for the root application). @web:path #xs:string The path of the request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string.
For example, with the request http://www.acme.org/path/to/doc.html?param=value, the path is /path/to/doc.html.@web:full-path #xs:string The path of the request's URL from the protocol name up to and including the query string.
For example, with the request http://www.acme.org/path/to/doc.html?param=value, the full path is /path/to/doc.html?param=value.@web:url #xs:string The full URL of the request, including the protocol, server name, port number, and path, but it does not include query string parameters.
For example, with the request http://www.acme.org/path/to/doc.html?param=value, the URL is http://www.acme.org/path/to/doc.html.@web:full-url #xs:string The full URL of the request, including the protocol, server name, port number, path, and the query string.
For example, with the request http://www.acme.org/path/to/doc.html?param=value, the full URL is the same.@web:headers #adt:list of #adt:NItem Represent the headers contained in this request. The headers are contained in a fixed list of values that have names. Each name in the list is a string not bound to a namespace URI (the name of the header) ; the list may contain duplicate names. Each header behave like an element. @web:method #xs:string The name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT ; the same as the value of the CGI variable REQUEST_METHOD. @web:path-info #xs:string Any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made this request ; the same as the value of the CGI variable PATH_INFO. @web:path-translated #xs:string Any extra path information translated to a real path ; the same as the value of the CGI variable PATH_TRANSLATED.
Example : /var/www/htdocs/path/to/doc.html@web:query-string #xs:string The query string that is contained in the request URL after the path ; the same as the value of the CGI variable QUERY_STRING. @web:match #adt:list of #adt:NItem The list of strings that has been captured by the regular expression used in a <web:mapping> (the empty list if not relevant). Each group of string is exposed as an unamed element, that is to say a named item which name is "". @web:has-session #xs:boolean Indicates whether a session is available. If no session is available, the predefined property $web:session will create a new one when invoked.
Precaution while handling parameters
As a request may handle several parameters that has the same name, it is recommended to use one of the following form when processing a single parameter :
- value( $web:request/theParam )
- $web:request/theParam[ 1 ]
- value( $web:request/theParam[ 1 ] )
If more than 1 parameter was supplied whereas only 1 is expected, the parameters in excess would be ignored.
Represents an HTTP response.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-response This type name() #xs:QName web:response The name of a response. child:: Represent the HTTP headers of the response. The HTTP headers are contained in a list (by default, it is empty) of values that have names. Each name in the list is a string not bound to a namespace URI (the name of the HTTP header) ; the list may contain duplicate names. #adt:list of #adt:NItem A list of HTTP headers. #adt:NItem A header name and its value. attribute:: #adt:map of #adt:NItem A set of attributes including those specified below (and that can't be removed). Other attributes that are not bound to a namespace URI represent the cookies set to the HTTP response. @web:encoding #xs:string The name of the chararacter encoding of the HTTP response. #xs:string The name of the chararacter encoding of the HTTP response. @web:mime-type #xs:string The MIME type of the HTTP response. #xs:string The MIME type of the HTTP response. @web:output #io:output The output stream of the HTTP response. @web:buffer-size #xs:int The buffer size for the body of the HTTP response. #xs:int The buffer size for the body of the HTTP response. @web:status-code The HTTP status code (200, 404, etc). #xs:int The value is -1 until it is explicitely changed. #xs:int The value to set to the HTTP status. @a-cookie-name a-cookie-name stands for any name not bound to a namespace URI. Once a cookie is added, it can't be neither removed nor updated. Several cookies that have the same name can be added safely. #web:x-cookie A new cookie to add to this response.
Represents a session.
A session can be get with $web:session.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-session This type name() #xs:string Wrap the unique identifier assigned to this session which is implementation dependant within a QName. The QName given has no namespace URI and its local name might not be an XML NCName. attribute:: #adt:map of #adt:NItem A set of attributes including those specified below (and that can't be removed). Other attributes that are not bound to a namespace URI represent the object stored in the session. @web:creation-time #xs:long The time when this session was created (number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). @web:last-accessed-time #xs:long The last time the client sent a request associated with this session (number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). @web:max-inactive-interval #xs:int The maximum time interval, in seconds, that this session will be keept open between client accesses. #xs:int The maximum time interval, in seconds, that this session will be keept open between client accesses.
Represents a Web cookie.
Operation read |
write |
rename |
update |
Type Value Comment type() #xs:QName #web:x-cookie This type name() #xs:QName The name of the cookie. #xs:QName The name of the cookie. The name must not be bound to a namespace URI. child:: #xs:string The value of the cookie. #xs:string The value of the cookie. Can't contain neither whitespaces nor any of [ ] ( ) = , " / ? @ : ; attribute:: #adt:map of #adt:NItem The fixed set of attributes specified below (and that can't be removed). @comment #xs:string The purpose of the cookie. #xs:string The purpose of the cookie. @domain #xs:string The domain of the cookie. #xs:string The domain of the cookie. @max-age #xs:int The maximum age of the cookie, specified in seconds. By default, -1 indicating the cookie will persist until browser shutdown. #xs:int The maximum age of the cookie, specified in seconds. By default, -1 indicating the cookie will persist until browser shutdown. @path #xs:string The path on the server to which the browser returns this cookie. #xs:string The path on the server to which the browser returns this cookie. @is-secure #xs:boolean Indicates whether the browser is sending cookies only over a secure protocol or if the browser can send cookies using any protocol. #xs:boolean Indicates whether the browser is sending cookies only over a secure protocol or if the browser can send cookies using any protocol. @version #xs:int The version of the protocol this cookie complies with. 0 if the cookie complies with the original Netscape specification; 1 if the cookie complies with RFC 2109 #xs:int The version of the protocol this cookie complies with. 0 if the cookie complies with the original Netscape specification; 1 if the cookie complies with RFC 2109