This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution License. This copyright applies to the PRISSMA Vocabulary Specification
and accompanying documentation in RDF.
Regarding underlying technology, the PRISSMA Vocabulary uses W3C's RDF technology, an
open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.
The PRISSMA ontology is used by the PRISSMA adaptive presentation-level framework.
What follows is the vocabulary schematic representation. Grey boxes represent core PRISSMA classes.
PRISSMA vocabulary provides classes and properties to model core mobile context concepts useful for dynamic adaptation of user interfaces for RDF data. PRISSMA models the context of usage of each Fresnel Lens or Format by modeling different dimensions: the user eho requested the resource, the device features on which the resource will be displayed and the surrounding physical environment.
The PRISSMA ontology is used by the PRISSMA adaptive presentation-level framework.
Classic mobile web experience suggests that the same information is not meant to be represented in the same way on all devices. Context-awareness research underlines the influence of the surrounding environment on data presentation. The same principles and best practices apply to RDF resources representation in mobile environments.
Works such as Fresnel focus on the representation of RDF resources. Fresnel is a presentation vocabulary for displaying RDF data. It specifies what information show and how to format it. Designed for static environments, Fresnel core vocabulary does not specify under which conditions provide a given RDF data representation. The Adaptation of RDF data to context is therefore left to the application logic, i.e. sharing and re-using contextual conditions for RDF presentation is not possible.
This specification serves as the PRISSMA Vocabulary "namespace document".
The PRISSMA vocabulary is an extension of the Fresnel presentation ontology and specifies when (i.e. in which mobile context) Fresnel Lenses and Formats must be selected. In the original Fresnel vocabulary the class fresnel:Purpose
determines the choice of lenses in conflicting situations, i.e. when more than one lens applies. PRISSMA vocabulary extends the semantics of fresnel:Purpose
to delegate the selection of Lenses and Formats to a broader and more expressive definition of mobile context, modeled by the concept of prissma:Prism
We extend the W3C Model-Based User Interface Incubator Group proposal where mobile context is described as an encompassing term, an information space defined as the sum of three main axis: the mobile User model, the Device features and the Environment in which the action is performed. PRISSMA represents the user model with the class prissma:User
, the device features with prissma:Device
and the environment with prissma:Environment
In the light of the Web of Data philosophy, PRISSMA does not provide an exhaustive set of context classes and properties. Instead, it delegates extensions to domain specialists who can adapt the vocabulary to their needs.
Further details can be found in DC Proposal: PRISSMA, Towards Mobile Adaptive Presentation of the Web of Data.
The following examples show how the PRISSMA Vocabulary is used to model context declaration that determine when fresnel lenses and formats must be selected.
The first Prism models a “geek” user in a location (library) with a given latitude, longitude and radius:
@prefix : <http://example.org#> . @prefix prissma: <http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v1#> . @prefix fresnel: <http://www.w3.org/2004/09/fresnel#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#> . :samplePrism1 a prissma:Prism; fresnel:purpose :geekAtLibraryCtx. :geekAtLibraryCtx a prissma:Context; prissma:user :geek; prissma:environment :library. :geek a prissma:User; foaf:interest "computer programming", <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Star_Trek>. :library a prissma:Environment; prissma:currentPOI [ geo:lat "45.43463"; geo:long "7.843435"; prissma:radius "200"].
The example below represents a user interested in computer science using an android device:
@prefix : <http://example.org#> . @prefix prissma: <http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v1#> . @prefix fresnel: <http://www.w3.org/2004/09/fresnel#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix soft: <http://www.w3.org/2007/uwa/context/software.owl#> . @prefix common: <http://www.w3.org/2007/uwa/context/common.owl#> . :samplePrism2 a prissma:Prism; fresnel:purpose :nerdAndroidCtx. :geekAndroidMorningCtx a prissma:Context; prissma:user :nerd; prissma:device :androidJellyBean; :nerd a prissma:User; foaf:interest "computer science". :androidJellyBean a prissma:Device; soft:operatingSystem [ common:name "Android 4.2.2".].
An a-z index of PRISSMA Vocabulary terms, by class (categories or types) and by property.
Classes: | Activity | Context | Device | Environment | POI | Prism | User |
Properties: | currentPOI | device | environment | motion | nearbyEntity | poiCategory | poiLabel | radius | user |
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | user environment device |
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Status: | stable |
Used with: | device |
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Status: | stable |
Properties include: | nearbyEntity motion currentPOI |
Used with: | environment |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | radius poiCategory poiLabel |
Used with: | currentPOI |
Sub class of | geo:SpatialThing |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Used with: | user |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | testing |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Environment |
Range: | POI |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Context |
Range: | Device |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Context |
Range: | Environment |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | POI |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | POI |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | POI |
Range: | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Context |
Range: | User |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | testing |
Domain: | Environment |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | testing |
Domain: | Environment |
Range: | owl:Thing |
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