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Nice Tag Ontology


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This is Nice Tag Ontology available as an RDF vocabulary. It is available as RDF/XML

You can browse it using a number of services:

Below are detailed all primitives of our schema :

Properties | Classes

Properties (18)

Is related to [
Used to link a resource to a sign, which can itself, be of any type, provided its representation is HTTP accessible from a URI. NiceTag defines tags by means of a mere property linking two Resources; this said, the many distinctions found in IRW ontology give a more precise account of nt:TaggedResource (see in particular irw:Resource).
Applies to Tagged resource
Belongs to tag collection [belongToTagCollection]
Property used to link a single and well individuated TagAction to a TagCollection to account for the various levels of aggregation provided by common tagging applications. There exist different ways to aggregate tags (for instance, http://delicious.com/fabion_gandon/OWL gives a Web representation of all taggings of user "fabien_gandon" involving the tag labeled 'OWL' on delicious.com at time "t").
Applies to Tag action
Range: #TagCollection
Has community sign [hasCommunitySign]
Corresponds to uses of collectively approved labels shared inside a community.
Sub property of Is related to
Has personal sign [hasPersonalSign]
Corresponds to uses of user-defined labels that can either serve to gather, categorize, distinguish resources or simply add structure to one's collection of tags.
Sub property of Is related to
Makes me feel [makesMeFeel]
Property used to indicate that the label of a tag denotes/expresses an emotional reaction.
Sub property of Is related to
Is worth [isWorth]
Property used whenever a resource is evaluated, ranked, etc. thanks to a label ("***", "5/10", "0", "best", etc.).
Sub property of Is related to
Is about [isAbout]
Property used when the label of a tag describes the topic of a resource.
Sub property of Is related to
Has for medium [hasForMedium]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates the medium which an HTTP-accessible Web representation belongs to ("forum", "video", "photo", "Webpage", "Webservice", etc.).
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Is relevant [isRelevant]
Property used to subsume "isRelevantToSb" and "isRelevantToSt".
Sub property of Is related to
Is relevant to somebody [isRelevantToSb]
Subproperty of 'is relevant to' used to link a resource to the person whom it may be relevant to. In other words, in such a way that no immediate formal link can be inferred between the two except from the point of view of a precise person in addition to the user who defined the said link.
Sub property of #isRelevantTo
Range: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person
Is relevant to something [isRelevantToSt]
Subproperty of 'is relevant to', used to link a resource to anything that it may be relevant to. In other words, in such a way that no immediate formal link can be inferrend between the two except from the point of view of the creator of the said link.
Sub property of #isRelevantTo
Elicits action [elicitsAction]
Property used when a resource elicits an action to be performed.
Sub property of Is related to
Sent to [sentTo]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates to whom a resource was suggested (models existing features like delicious "for:-username" tags).
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Range: http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#UserAccount
Sent by [sentBy]
Corresponds to uses of labels that indicate by whom a resource was suggested.
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Range: http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#UserAccount
Can be read by [canBeReadBy]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates to whom access rights to the tagged resource are conferred.
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Range: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person
Cannot Be Read By [cannotBeReadBy]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates to whom access right to the tagged resource are denied.
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Range: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person
Has part [hasPart]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates which part of a Web representation is being tagged.
Sub property of Is related to
Applies to http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Range: Part Of Web representation
Raises question about [raisesQuestionAbout]
Property used when the label of a tag indicates that a question is being asked.
Sub property of Is related to

Classes (23)

Part Of Web representation [
Used to represent the part of the Web representation resource being tagged after the "Point" TagAction is used.
Sub class of http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl#WebRepresentation
Tag action [TagAction]
A super class to describe every tag action as modelled by a named graph according to RDF Graph model (RDFG).
Sub class of Graph
Sub class of http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#Item
Owner tag action [OwnerTagAction]
Used to describe an act of tagging performed by the owner of the URI that identifies the tagged resource.
Sub class of Tag action
Visitor tag action [VisitorTagAction]
Used to describe an act of tagging performed by a the person who browsed a Web representation.
Sub class of Tag action
http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#disjointWith Owner tag action
Assert [Assert]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to assert anything about a resource.
Sub class of Tag action
Express feelings [ExpressFeelings]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to express a feeling, an emotion, etc.
Sub class of Tag action
Evaluate [Evaluate]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to give a notation, a mark of approval and disapproval, or, more generally speaking, an evaluation.
Sub class of Tag action
Give access rights to [GiveAccessRights]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to define to whom access rights to a resource are granted or denied.
Sub class of Tag action
Point [Point]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to point to a specific part of a Web representation (the segment of a video, a user-generated commentary to a newspaper article, etc.).
Sub class of Tag action
Set task [SetTask]
Describes the action that is performed with a "todo" tag whenever it is used to create a task awaiting performance.
Sub class of Visitor tag action
Share [Share]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag whenever it is used to share the representation of a WebResource on various services - Twitter or Delicious for instance - with the owner of a sioc:UserAccount (not necessarily a foaf:Person as it might be either a bot, a person or an institution whose representatives may well vary over time).
Sub class of Tag action
Aggregate [Aggregate]
Describes the action that is performed whenever resources are aggregated with a collectively defined tag.
Sub class of Tag action
Ask [Ask]
Describes the action that is performed with a tag by asking a question.
Sub class of Tag action
Manual tag action [ManualTagAction]
Describes tags as manually associated to a resource by a human.
Sub class of Tag action
Auto tag action [AutoTagAction]
Describes tags as automatically generated and/or associated to a resource by a computer.
Sub class of Tag action
Web concept tag action [WebConceptTagAction]
Describes tagging involving Web concepts (such as geonames).
Sub class of Tag action
Syntactic Tag Action [SyntacticTagAction]
Describes tags whose labels are following a given syntax for improved precision and tractability.
Sub class of Tag action
Machine tag action [MachineTagAction]
Describes tags whose labels are using the syntax of machine tags as implemented first in Flickr.com.
Sub class of Syntactic Tag Action
N-tuple tag action [N-TupleTagAction]
Describes tagging involving N-tuple tags (double tags, triple tags, etc.).
Sub class of Syntactic Tag Action
Disambiguate Tag Action [DisambiguatedTagAction]
Used when the sign used to tag is disambiguated.
Sub class of Tag action
N-tuple tag action with machine tag syntax [N-TupleTagActionMTS]
Describes tagging involving N-tuple tags which follow machine tags typed syntax in acontext where Flickr-like APIs are lacking.
Sub class of N-tuple tag action
Sub class of Machine tag action
Community tag collection [CommunityTagCollection]
A collection of tags generated by the users of a given online community or Web service.
Sub class of Tags collection
Personal tag collection [PersonalTagCollection]
A colection of tags generated by a single user.
Sub class of Tags collection