Ludo Virtual Context Ontology 0.01

Namespace Document 24 August 2016

This version: (OWL)
Latest version: (OWL)
Previous version: (OWL)
Oscar RodrĂ­guez Rocha (,
Catherine Faron Zucker (
Wimmics Team

Valid XHTML + RDFa Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to the Ludo Virtual Context Ontology Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, the Ludo Virtual Context Ontology uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.


The Ludo Virtual Context Ontology Specification provides...

Table of Contents

Ludo Virtual Context Ontology at a glance

An a-z index of Ludo Virtual Context Ontology terms, by class (categories or types) and by property.

Classes: | GameLevel | NearbyPlayer | POI | VirtualActivity | VirtualLocation |

Properties: | hasCurrentGameLevel | hasCurrentPOI | hasCurrentVirtualActivity | hasDistance | hasGameLevelLabel | hasGameLevelNumber | hasPOICategory | hasPOILabel | hasVirtualActivityLabel | nearbyPlayerDistance |

Main Ludo Virtual Context Ontology terms, grouped in broad categories.


Ludo is an ontology created to enable the description and representation of Serious Games that use structured data published on the Web through the Linked Data as a knowledge base. From the representation of the players’ profile and their contextual information whithin the game, it is possible to generate personalized recommendations of related educational resources in order to stimulate the learning process while playing.
This vocabulary is a component of Ludo. It was created to describe and represent the virtual context of a game player in a serious game.

Ludo Virtual Context Ontology Classes and Properties

The Ludo Virtual Context Ontology introduces the following classes and properties.

Classes: | GameLevel | NearbyPlayer | POI | VirtualActivity | VirtualLocation |

Properties: | hasCurrentGameLevel | hasCurrentPOI | hasCurrentVirtualActivity | hasDistance | hasGameLevelLabel | hasGameLevelNumber | hasPOICategory | hasPOILabel | hasVirtualActivityLabel | nearbyPlayerDistance |

Classes and Properties (full detail)


Class: virtualcontext:GameLevel

Game level - Represents the current (latest) game level in which the player is in the serious game
Status: stable
Properties include: hasGameLevelLabel hasGameLevelNumber
Used with: hasCurrentGameLevel
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: virtualcontext:NearbyPlayer

Nearby Player - It represents the realation of proximity between two players
Status: stable
Properties include: nearbyPlayerDistance
Used with: hasDistance
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: virtualcontext:POI

POI - Point of interest
Status: stable
Properties include: hasPOILabel hasPOICategory
Used with: hasCurrentPOI
Sub class of owl:Thing geo:SpatialThing
OWL Class

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Class: virtualcontext:VirtualActivity

Virtual activity - Represents the virtual activity that the player is performing inside the game. Such as learning, exploring.
Status: stable
Properties include: hasVirtualActivityLabel
Used with: hasCurrentVirtualActivity
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: virtualcontext:VirtualLocation

Virtual location - Represents the relation between a real life location and a location inside the game
Status: stable
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Property: virtualcontext:hasCurrentGameLevel

Has current game level - The current level of the game in which the Gameplayer is
Status: stable
Domain: foaf:Person
Range: Game level
Object Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasCurrentPOI

Has current POI - Given the current virtual location of a GamePlayer, it defines the corresponding POI in real life
Status: stable
Domain: foaf:Person
Range: POI
Object Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasCurrentVirtualActivity

Has currrent VirtualAcitivity - The currrent VirtualAcitivity of a GamePlayer
Status: stable
Domain: foaf:Person
Range: Virtual activity
Object Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasDistance

Has distance - Nearby player distance
Status: stable
Domain: foaf:Person
Range: Nearby Player
Object Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasGameLevelLabel

Has game level label - The label of the game level
Status: stable
Domain: Game level
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasGameLevelNumber

Has game level number - The numeric label of the game level
Status: stable
Domain: Game level
Range: xsd:nonNegativeInteger
Datatype Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasPOICategory

Has POI category - The category of the POI
Status: stable
Domain: POI
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasPOILabel

Has POI label - A label with the name of the POI
Status: stable
Domain: POI
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: virtualcontext:hasVirtualActivityLabel

Virtual Activity - Virtual Activity
Status: stable
Domain: Virtual activity
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: virtualcontext:nearbyPlayerDistance

Nearby Player Distance - Nearby Player Distance in meters
Status: stable
Domain: Nearby Player
Range: xsd:decimal
Datatype Property

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