Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology 0.01

Namespace Document 24 August 2016

This version: (OWL)
Latest version: (OWL)
Previous version: (OWL)
Oscar RodrĂ­guez Rocha (,
Catherine Faron Zucker (
Wimmics Team

Valid XHTML + RDFa Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to the Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, the Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.


Given the increasing amount of structured data published on the Web, many possibilities are open for creating new types of games that use resources from the Web of Data. In particular, if we consider the subcategory of Serious Games in which the object of the game is to educate the user through the interactive discovery of real-life concepts (associated to Semantic Web resources), the inclusion of a semantic representation of the user profile and his contextual information becomes an important element to recommend the user more accurate concepts. Ludo is an ontology that allows the creation of Serious Games with those characteristics.

Table of Contents

Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology at a glance

An a-z index of Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology terms, by class (categories or types) and by property.

Classes: | Area | Bar | Button | Checkbox | Counter | FrontEndDisplay | GUIComponent | GameControlInterface | GamePresentation | Gauge | Graphic | InputEvent | List-box | MediaComponent | MiniMap | ObjectAttribute | Position | Radio-button | Scrollbar | Sound | Tab | Textbox | Video |

Properties: | hasGUIComponent | hasGUIComponentValue | hasGUIControlInterface | hasHeight | hasInputEventName | hasMediaComponent | hasPosition | hasURI | hasWidth | x | y | z |

Main Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology terms, grouped in broad categories.


Ludo is an ontology created to enable the description and representation of Serious Games that use structured data published on the Web through the Linked Data as a knowledge base. From the representation of the players’ profile and their contextual information whithin the game, it is possible to generate personalized recommendations of related educational resources in order to stimulate the learning process while playing.
This vocabulary is a component of Ludo. It was created to describe and represent the graphical elements of a serious game. It it based on "Game Content Model: An Ontology for Documenting Serious Game Design" by Tang, S et al.

Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology Classes and Properties

The Ludo Game Presenatation Ontology introduces the following classes and properties.

Classes: | Area | Bar | Button | Checkbox | Counter | FrontEndDisplay | GUIComponent | GameControlInterface | GamePresentation | Gauge | Graphic | InputEvent | List-box | MediaComponent | MiniMap | ObjectAttribute | Position | Radio-button | Scrollbar | Sound | Tab | Textbox | Video |

Properties: | hasGUIComponent | hasGUIComponentValue | hasGUIControlInterface | hasHeight | hasInputEventName | hasMediaComponent | hasPosition | hasURI | hasWidth | x | y | z |

Classes and Properties (full detail)


Class: gamepresentation:Area

Area - Represents the area of an element in the display through their height and width
Status: stable
Properties include: hasHeight hasWidth
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Bar

Bar - Component that indicates the remaining value of an attribute. It has a position and an area
Status: stable
Sub class of Front End Display owl:Thing
Disjoint With: Mini Map Counter Gauge
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Button

Button - Button
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Checkbox

Checkbox - Checkbox
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Counter

Counter - This component uses digits or an icon to display the value or number of an attribute.
Status: stable
Sub class of Front End Display owl:Thing
Disjoint With: Gauge Mini Map
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:FrontEndDisplay

Front End Display - Describes a graphical component to notify game players about the parameters in the game world that would affect their game play. It can be a counter, gauge, bar or a mini map
Status: stable
Sub class of owl:Thing
Has sub class Mini Map Counter Bar Gauge gamepresentation:MiniMap gamepresentation:Counter gamepresentation:Bar gamepresentation:Gauge
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:GUIComponent

GUI Component - Some GUI components used in most software application. Each GUI component has properties such as position, value and visual representation which can be styled accordingly to suit the game theme.
Status: stable
Properties include: hasGUIComponentValue
Used with: hasGUIComponent hasGUIControlInterface
Sub class of owl:Thing
Has sub class Checkbox List box Button Radio Button Text Box Tab Scroll bar gamepresentation:Checkbox gamepresentation:List-box gamepresentation:Button gamepresentation:Radio-button gamepresentation:Textbox gamepresentation:Tab gamepresentation:Scrollbar
Disjoint With: Media Component
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:GameControlInterface

Game control interface - Game control interface
Status: stable
Properties include: hasGUIControlInterface
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:GamePresentation

Game Presentation - A virtual canvas that holds media components and GUI components to form a game menu, a game notification or a cut-scene to present information about the game and allow them to navigate through the game structure.
Status: stable
Properties include: hasGUIComponent hasMediaComponent
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Gauge

Gauge - Represents a recreation of an analogue display. It can be used to represent game time, speed of a game object or even used as a compass to represent direction.
Status: stable
Sub class of Front End Display owl:Thing
Disjoint With: Mini Map
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Graphic

Graphic - The graphic in a game loaded from a URI. Additional properties such as position (x, y and z) and area (height and width) are required
Status: stable
Sub class of Media Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:InputEvent

Input Event - Each of the hardware interface and GUI has its respective input events.
Status: stable
Properties include: hasInputEventName
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:List-box

List box - List box
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:MediaComponent

Media Component - A media component supported in a game sucha as text, graphic, sound and video.
Status: stable
Used with: hasMediaComponent
Sub class of owl:Thing
Has sub class Graphic Video Sound gamepresentation:Graphic gamepresentation:Video gamepresentation:Sound
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:MiniMap

Mini Map - Provides the location of specific game objects within a certain proximity
Status: stable
Sub class of Front End Display owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:ObjectAttribute

Object atrribute - Object atrribute
Status: stable
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Position

Position - Represents the coordinates of an element of the game in the display x, y and z
Status: stable
Used with: hasPosition
Sub class of owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Radio-button

Radio Button - Radio Button
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Scrollbar

Scroll bar - Scroll bar
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Sound

Sound - A sound file to be used in the game loaded from a URI.
Status: stable
Sub class of Media Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Tab

Tab - Tab
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Textbox

Text Box - Text Box
Status: stable
Sub class of GUI Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Class: gamepresentation:Video

Video - A video to be used inside the game, loaded from a URI. Additional properties such as position (x, y and z) and area (height and width) are required
Status: stable
Sub class of Media Component owl:Thing
OWL Class

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Property: gamepresentation:hasGUIComponent

Has GUI component - Has GUI component
Status: stable
Domain: Game Presentation
Range: GUI Component
Object Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasGUIComponentValue

Has GUI Component Value - Each GUI components have properties such as position, value and visual representation which can be styled accordingly to suit the game theme.
Status: stable
Domain: GUI Component
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasGUIControlInterface

GUI Control Interface - GUI Control Interface
Status: stable
Domain: Game control interface
Range: GUI Component
Object Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasHeight

Has height - For visual media such as text, graphic and video, additional properties such as position (x, y and z) and area (height and width) are required. Pixels.
Status: stable
Domain: Area
Range: xsd:double
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasInputEventName

Has input Event name - Each of the hardware interface and GUI has its respective input events. For example, a mouse has input events such as move, roll over, roll out, left button up, left button down, right button up and right button down. Each input event can link to one or more actions depending on the state of the game object.
Status: stable
Domain: Input Event
Range: xsd:string
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasMediaComponent

Has Media Component - Has Media Component
Status: stable
Domain: Game Presentation
Range: Media Component
Object Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasPosition

Has Position - This property relates a GUI component or a Media component object with a position object
Status: stable
Range: Position
Object Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasURI

URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
Status: stable
Object Property

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Property: gamepresentation:hasWidth

Has width - Has width
Status: stable
Domain: Area
Range: xsd:double
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:x

X coordinate - X coordinate
Status: stable
Range: xsd:double
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:y

Y coordinate - Y coordinate
Status: stable
Range: xsd:double
Datatype Property

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Property: gamepresentation:z

Z coordinate - Z coordinate
Status: stable
Range: xsd:double
Datatype Property

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