Example Licencing Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution License. This copyright applies to the EmOCA Specification
and accompanying documentation in RDF.
Regarding underlying technology, the EmOCA uses W3C's RDF technology, an
open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.
EmOCA (Emotion Ontology for Context Awareness) improve emotion detection by reasonning on contextual data. We use this ontology to contextualize dimensionnal annotation (based on expressive data) and to categorize it with a vocabulary inspired by categorical emotion models.
What follows is the schematic representation of EmOCA. Green boxes represent core EmOCA classes and Gray circles core properties.
In the field of affective computing and more precisely for emotion detection purpose, expressive data are well-known to embed emotion informations. But, according to some psychologic emotion theories such as the two factor theory of Sachter and Singer, contextual informations are used by human being to determine felt emotion after bodily expression. So, we propose in our more global application to reproduce this behavior by predicting emotion from expressive data and in a second time ponderate it by contextual informations. EmOCA is used to contextualize dimensionnal emotion and to categorize it for human readability.
The EmOCA introduces the following classes and properties.
Classes: | Anger | Arousal | Component | Coordinate | Disgust | Emotion | Fear | Impact | Joy | Person | Radius | Sadness | Stimulus | Surprise | Trait | Valence |
Properties: | involves | isDefinedBy | hasEffect | hasImpact | hasMaximum | hasMinimum | hasTrait | pertainsTo | relatesTo |
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Component |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Used with: | pertainsTo |
Sub class of | Coordinate |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | hasMinimum hasMaximum |
Used with: | isDefinedBy |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | isDefinedBy |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | hasEffect pertainsTo |
Used with: | hasImpact |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | hasTrait |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Coordinate |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | involves |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Emotion |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Properties include: | hasImpact |
Used with: | hasTrait relatesTo |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Sub class of | Component |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Stimulus |
Range: | owl:Thing |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Emotion |
Range: | Coordinate |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Impact |
Range: | xsd:double |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Trait |
Range: | Impact |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Coordinate |
Range: | xsd:double |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Impact |
Range: | xsd:double |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Person |
Range: | Trait |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Impact |
Range: | Component |
[#] [back to top]
Status: | stable |
Domain: | Trait |
Range: | owl:Thing |
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